
The Estimates is a financial policy document that guides NUS UK spending throughout the year. The board and a NUS UK Members’ Meeting agree the total financial envelope available, and they have outlined how much money should be spent in each area of NUS. 

Once these amounts have been set, NUS UK National Conference has responsibility for directing where and how much NUS UK allocates for its various activities. The NUS UK Estimates 2020/21 reports on the proposed areas of expenditure for NUS UK in 2020/21.

In advance of the conference, members were able to put in proposals to change levels of expenditure in NUS UK and the deadline for this was 11 March. This is what is called a ‘change’ to the estimates. Any such change must balance i.e. a proposal to increase expenditure in one area must have a corresponding decrease in another area, or more than one area, so that the overall total cost remains the same. No proposals to change the estimates were received.

What you need to do 

Read through the Estimates proposed for 2020/21.

At conference

At the conference you will be invited to approve the Estimates by voting on it. If you agree with the proposals you should vote for. If you do not agree with what is in the report, you should vote against.

If conference does not pass the Financial Estimates they will be referred back to the NUS UK board. Ultimately it is the Board’s duty to ensure legal compliance and solvency of NUS UK and they will need to consider this when reviewing.